day 27

{FOOD: two more days left}

I seriously can’t believe that this month is almost over!! It seems like just yesterday that I started it, and believe me, MONTH ONE was HARD especially in the beginning!!  but I’m a firm believer that it’s mind over matter, and now as the end is approaching, I feel like I could continue on.  crazy, right??

as the month went on, it got easier for me because I had trained myself just to focus on those foods. and while I desperately have missed pizza, chinese food, soup and tomatoes {strange, huh?!?}, it’s been do-able, for the most part.

after the month is over, I plan on taking a week off break from the food fast, but there WILL be changes made to my eating habits, eliminating all fast/processed foods, eating as much RAW as possible, home cooking more and visiting my local farmers market for new goodies until the brutal winter appears!!

{check out The Gerson Therapy – a powerful detox diet to help aid in the healing of arthritis, allergies, heart condition, diabetes, degenerative joint disease and other ailments}

month two = CLOTHES

and I have to admit to you all that I’ve started it already!

I had planned on taking a short break between each month, but since I got a late start and my mom’s group already started, I decided to join them and take the plunge.  so when I actually have a post on it…it will be later on into the 2nd month, but I’ll share my “7 clothes” choices and a cumulative post on what it’s been like. {and honestly, cutting out clothes is a breeze for me…says the girl who lives 3 days a week in scrub

on another note… please continue to pray for me and the possibility of going to Haiti in either January or April 2013.  there are some hurdles {small but significant} that I will have to overcome to get there, but more so now that ever, I feel this pull that I can’t explain. thank you all for your continuous love and support!!

One thought on “day 27

  1. Wow i can’t even begin to tell u how proud I am of u. U just get stronger and stronger by the post! I love u and can’t wait to hear about this journey u have been on. Hopefully we can catch up soon

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